
Disco 1

Nº Pista Artista Nombre Canción Duración Tamaño
1 Disney Chorus Little April Shower (Bambi) 3:52 1.31 MB
2 Donald Novis Love is a Song (Bambi) 2:06 0.92 MB
3 Donald Novis & the Disney Chorus Looking for Romance (Bambi) 2:07 0.71 MB
4 Edward Plumb, Frank Churchill Autumn, the First Snow, Fun on the Ice 4:42 1.56 MB
5 Edward Plumb, Frank Churchill Bambi Gets Twitterpated, Stag Fight 2:34 0.89 MB
6 Edward Plumb, Frank Churchill Exploring, Through the Woods, Say Bird, Flower 6:03 1.98 MB
7 Edward Plumb, Frank Churchill Fire, Reunion, Finale 5:32 2.76 MB
8 Edward Plumb, Frank Churchill Gallop of the Stags, the Great Prince of the Forest, Man 4:14 1.43 MB
9 Edward Plumb, Frank Churchill It Could Even Happen to Flower 2:02 0.67 MB
10 Edward Plumb, Frank Churchill Let's Sing a Gay Little Spring Song 1:41 0.82 MB
11 Edward Plumb, Frank Churchill Man Returns 2:06 0.7 MB
12 Edward Plumb, Frank Churchill Meadow, Bambi Sees Faline, Bambi Gets Annoyed 4:59 1.66 MB
13 Edward Plumb, Frank Churchill Rain Drops 1:34 0.55 MB
14 Edward Plumb, Frank Churchill Sleepy Morning in the Woods, Everybody Awake, the Young Prince, Learning to Walk 5:14 1.76 MB
15 Edward Plumb, Frank Churchill The End of Winter, New Spring Grass, Tragedy in the Meadow 2:32 0.83 MB
16 Edward Plumb, Frank Churchill Wintery Winds 1:09 0.35 MB

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